sabato 13 settembre 2014

Panchabhutas - The Five Divine Elements

The Panchabhutas are divine five elements described in spiritual texts elaborately while language being the Sanskrit. The subjet is confusing and confounded with many names and synonyms. These are Either, Air, Fire, Water and Earth in the universe. In the Sankhya philosophy's nomenclature, these are Sabda, Sparsa, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha respectively. These also present in the human body senses as sense organs and organs of action which are also known as Jnanedriyas and Karmendriyas respectively with Trigunas in various proportions. These are present in the matter, material, in all beings incluuding man and also possess five religious action, panchakarmas. The universe exists and survives only by their presence and sustains it with the divine cosmic energy. 

Bhagwan Baba says: "God controlled Panchabhutas and man has to control himself to evolute the life activity in him, praise and appreciate, experience their divinity to focus on man, as his goal is to merge Jeevatma with Paramatma...I may tell you, nevertheless,thet the five elements (Ether, Air, Fire, Water and Earth) have been created by the Supreme. They have each to be used by you with reverential care and vigilant discrimination. Reckless, and careless use of any of them will only rebound on you with tremendous hard. Their external nature has to be handled with caution and care".

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